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Parenting Is Hard, But Tech May Help

mother holding baby boy

Image by heymattallen from Pixabay

Technology gets a bad reputation. However, even though it has the potential to interfere with the human connection, if used correctly, today’s tech can enhance your life. Nowhere is this more evident than in the first precious year of your baby’s life. Not only can your smart devices help you catalog every sneeze, giggle, and belly crawl, if you have the right phone, you will have apps at your disposal 24/7 that can kick your parenting up a notch. Keep reading for tips on how to choose the right phone and which apps you can’t be without.

Gadgets and Goodies

If more than a couple of years have passed since you last made a technology upgrade, now’s the perfect time to do it. There are bells and whistles that will ease your parenting woes and help you make the most of every moment with your little one.

Consider the recently released, highly-anticipated iPhone 12. Apple lovers will be pleased to find that, in addition to black and white, the iPhone 12 also comes in snazzy shades of red, blue and green. The features are much improved too, with a smart HDR camera that allows you to sneak a shot of your snoozing baby without turning on the lights, and the long-lasting battery will let you click through your apps during those late-night marathon breast-feeding sessions. Just don’t forget to get a case that complements and protects your iPhone from harm.

If Android is your preference, there are plenty of options here, too. One of the most popular is the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra which is one of the fastest updating phones on the market. Taking photos on this device is also really easy, and according to some reviews, it gives you a perfect photo with excellent zoom skills.

Whether you choose Apple or Android, your phone will be one of your best friends during the first few years of your parenting journey.

Must-Have Apps

WebMD Baby

WebMD is a go-to source for medical advice, especially for new parents. Now, Pregnancy Magazine notes you can harness its contributing physicians’ collective power in an easy-to-use app right from your phone. Within the app you will find Baby 101, an extensive collection of more than 400 articles and 600 pediatrician-approved tips, a virtual baby book, and the option to share your child’s moments and milestones with your friends and family.

Eat Sleep

If you haven’t figured it out yet, newborn babies don’t do much. The two activities they are most skilled at are eating and sleeping. The Eat Sleep app lets you track your baby’s schedule, which is invaluable if you share care between your partner or a sitter. You can keep track of everything from their last breast-feeding session to how many diapers they’ve gone through in the last 24 hours.

Baby Monitor 3G

If you have a baby monitor, you’ve probably found that it has limitations. They are usually corded, so they’re not easy to move from place to place. Baby Monitor 3G solves this problem by allowing you to use a surplus device as your very own baby monitor. You can download the app on both iOS and Android software. Although this is a paid app, you never lose your license, so you can continue to use it when you decide that it’s time for baby number two.

Baby Sign and Learn Lite

Babies start learning how to communicate almost the instant they enter the world. They learn that you come when they cry, and they eventually figure out how to make certain noises that tell you they’re hungry, wet, or tired. But it can take years for your little one to communicate coherently, and as Motherlove explains, this is why baby sign language comes in handy. Baby Sign and Learn is an app that provides both an education for you and entertainment for your baby. It will help you establish detailed communication with your child through the toddler years, when they can finally verbalize their needs.

Don’t Forget Mom

Every new mom gets caught up in the wonder of her new baby, and we want to soak up as much time with our little ones as possible. However, it’s still important to make time for yourself, even in short doses. Whether it’s hitting the treadmill or lifting weights while the baby sleeps, having some quiet time to read, or finally being able to shower. Self-care also includes quality sleep and proper nutrition. While sleep will be in short supply for a while, you can still make sure you get the right nutrients and vitamins through healthy eating. Remember, these self-care efforts can help you be a better you and a better mom.

You literally have access to more child-rearing information than any generation before you. Whether you’re expecting, planning, or you are in those first-month trenches, the sooner you embrace tech tools, the better off you will be. It can make parenting easier, so get connected!

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